Workshops and Writing Circles

Writing Circles
Thanks to you for your lovely writing circles. I feel better about my writing path than I have in years. - Melisa Bush
Join us to write together in a welcoming group of folks trying to make sense of it all.
"In this safe space of writers, I have developed friendships woven out of strips of painful memories. Each of us being brave, laying bare our sadness and shame and pride and happiness. What a gift to get these weekly windows into another person’s life. This group of extraordinary people feels like a small miracle to me." - Karen Solomon
Weekly drop-in writing circles offer provocative prompts and a chance to practice a variety of writing techniques.
We gather to encourage clear, authentic reflection and expression of our lives and support for each other
Writing Circle Times (currently on Zoom - soon to be also in person!)
Thursdays 6pm -7:30pm
Fridays 10am to noon
(- alternate times possible on request)
Writing Circle Format:
Group check-in
Short Meditation
Sample Read aloud
Theme/Prompt Introduced
30 minute solitary write
30 minute gather to share and discuss
10 minute new theme discussion/ sample read
30 minute solitary write
20 minute group share
Classes are drop-in.
$20 per session
venmo amy-minato
Writing Circle Explained
• Rather than a focus on good writing, we share our stories, and through genuine human response, we learn how to better communicate them.
• This is not a critique group, rather a supportive listening circle.
* Many members are not published writers, nor aspire to be.
• We write to explore our lives and understand ourselves better.
• We listen to create community.
Writing Circle Protocol
*The prompts are only suggestions! Write whatever you need to write.
• No one is required to share, but you will develop your writing best if you do – and it can be healing.
• No critique of each other’s work. Rather give a genuine response as human to human to the experience expressed.
• We will be learning how to write better from what resonates with others. We will learn what works and do more of that.
on zoom - please stay attentive when we are in the main room together and mute your microphone when others are sharing. see zoom tips below
Fee: $20 per session.
"Thank you Amy for being the needle that has strung us all together, and the thread that keeps us in place. I know it takes work and planning each week to do what you do, and certainly a whole lot of active listening. Thank you everyone else for being so brave." - Karen Solomon
Project Writing and Critique Circle (6-10 participants)
Scheduled as interest allows.
Work with a dedicated group of peers to help nurture a project along.
All genres and levels welcome.
Project Writing Groups Provide:
Warm-up writing activity
Peer review and discussion
Focus on Craft
Motivation and Structure
In-depth feedback
$25 per session, $100 for 5 sessions, $15 for writing coach students
Weekly or biweekly
Participants must commit to at least 3 sessions
(alternate times available on request)
Advanced Writing Circle (6-10 participants)
Time established with participant input
online or in my Multnomah Village home
*meet other writers
*dedicated time and space for writing
*polish old work, knead a piece in progress or start a new project
*creative writing prompts
*short discussions on style with examples
*friendly feedback
*quiet, comfortable atmosphere (tea and snacks provided)
We start with an example, a short explanation of a theme or technique, do a short free-write, then an hour writing session and share our work.
All levels welcome.
$25 per session or $100 for 5 sessions, $15 for writing coach students
E-mail confirmation required:
"I do know this: when we give voice to thoughts and feelings (whether orally, or written, or in anotger creative way) there is a release. It helps...doesn’t change things...but helps.” Judy
"Thank you Blythe. I really loved your letter to your friend. It evoked such clear images, I felt like I was remembering with you. If you feel comfortable, please send it to Amy, so we can read it again. It made me think about writing to my mother, who I still miss everyday." Karen
"It was wonderful to see you and everyone again today.
Thank you for your openness and take very good care of yourselves." Blythe
"You are a wonderful teacher, and that was just a fantastic group of women. Please invite me to the next one!" Juli Gun
Zoom Tips
Download the Zoom app and familiarize yourself with zoom before the meeting. (
Collect any writing materials, and any notes or books you may need.
Be in a quiet space with no distractions.
Drinks are fine. Easting is distracting to others when you are on screen.
Find a neutral background if possible. Overhead light is best.
Use the largest screen you can Put your phone out of reach
Check your email for the link invitation a few minutes before the meeting
Be quiet when you sign on. Turn on your video and unmute yourself (bottom left)
Mute yourself whenever there is a noisy distraction in your space.
Choose gallery view (top right) not speaker view
When we share after writing. Raise your hand to be called on to read. Feel free to pass.
If we use breakout rooms, you will be paired with another person for partner share and peer editing until called back to the main room. You can return to the main room anytime during that time to talk with me.
While we are all in the main room, feel free to send me a private chat or a chat to everyone if its relevant to what we’re talking about.
If you need to leave for a minute or change locations, please mute your mic and stop your video until you are resettled. If you return, follow entrance protocol.
If you need to leave the circle early, please send a chat saying this, then mute yourself and sign off.