Writing coach

Writing Project Help
I offer personalized help with writing projects. From general feedback on form, approach, and style to detailed recommendations on sentence structure, imagery and word choice. I can help with poetry, fiction and nonfiction.
General feedback: $5 per page (double-spaced, 12 pt font) first 20 pages, then $4 per page (or $65 per hour)
Detailed editing: $10 per page (double-spaced, 12 pt font) first 20 pages, then $8 per page. (or $90 per hour)
Consultation: $50 an hour
Feedback via e-mail and/or in person on hard copy.
Writing Tutor
Need assistance with homework assignments, a job or school application, a memoir, novel or speech?
My versatile writing history qualifies me to coach you with: essays, poems, testimonials, tributes, college essays, memoirs, fiction and homework. Together we translate your experiences, ideas and visions into words. We then build skills so you can do this on your own in the future. The best tutors aspire to make themselves dispensable.
Utilizing effective writing and editing techniques, informal tutoring sessions prompt students to understand their strengths and weaknesses and to broaden their tool box of skills. The goal is for students to develop their own writing and revision process.
$1 per minute, min 30 minutes, max 90 minutes per session
College Essay Help
Spruce up your college essays and scholarship letters in a few sessions with a writing coach. $45 per hour. $60 per hour includes up to an hour of extra editing suggestions over email. Most students make major progress in just 1-3 sessions!
Sessions meet in your home or mine. Sometimes at a cafe. Even on zoom!
References available.
"Perceptive, intuitive, kind, and humorous. As a person, a writer and a coach. Amy is a serious writer. I chose her, when my book was in infancy, because we shared many similar experiences as mothers, women and lovers of this wild and adventurous world, but mainly because she is a gifted writer. Like a new mother I wasn’t sure what to feed my book, when to burp it, when to just lay it down and give it a rest. I needed someone to tell me my baby was beautiful! Like a good midwife, Amy calmed all my irrational and imagined fears. She challenged me. She worked with me. And finally, she understood me. Writing a book, any book, takes a great deal of courage. Hemingway said “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” Hah! Amy understands that kind of depth and what it takes it get there. It was a very positive experience working with her." Pamela Royes, author, Temperance Creek